Copyright 2012        Metronet Integration Inc. All rights reserved.

Various trademarks held by their respective owners.

Metronet delivers a complete experience that ensures high value. In order to ensure elegantly effective work and life style solutions, we design systems that are intelligent and easy-to-use. These low voltage electronic systems include:

Whatever the size and scope of your project, Metronet will transform your goals into a dream home or office. We’ll make sure you receive the maximum value for your dollars.

  • Be sure your valuables are secure from burglary and fire. We also offer a wide range of high quality burglary & fire resistant safes.

Appreciative of our dedication to quality, clients return to upgrade existing systems or purchase new systems when they wish to enhance their work or home environment. They also refer associates, friends and family members - a compliment and endorsement of the attention and quality we provide. Clients choose Metronet because they want to receive:

  • advice, design and system set up
  • the highest possible quality in entertainment options
  • reduction in operational costs with better environmental controls (light, temperature, UV blinds, etc.)
  • one-touch control of all their systems
  • remote access from anywhere via the world wide web
  • peace of mind through higher levels of security

We work with discerning residential and commercial clients. Our expertise covers new construction as well as existing homes and businesses. We have an extensive knowledge of and experience with retrofit projects.

You overcame a lot of challenges in my family room to make my dream into a reality. People who visit can’t believe I found a company that could create a suspended TV that gives out such great sound and picture. Your solution was ingenious and you did the work with white glove attention, leaving the room pristine.                                                                                                    Linda Forman, Skokie, IL

Rest easy. Metronet works closely with architects, designers and general contractors to ensure smooth project coordination.